Why a Boss Babe Stage is Often Needed Before Feminine Energy Embodiment

There are many coaches who teach feminine energy who like to shame or guilt women who are embodying masculine traits. And very often women embody those masculine traits not because they want to, but for survival reasons. They have to provide for themselves and their children (sometimes even for extended family), they have to take […]

The Secrets To Radiating Feminine Energy: 20 Tips 

Radiant feminine energy is is nurturing, soft, grounded, and intuitive. It’s the type of energy that makes life enjoyable because it engages our senses and emotions. Many women however struggle to radiate feminine energy in a world surrounded by tasks, to-do lists, goals to accomplish and an emotionless day to day life, so they are […]

The Difference Between Wounded and Healthy Feminine Energy

Many people say that some women that have certain negative behaviours are in their masculine energy. We believe differently. We believe that those women are not in masculine energy. They are in their wounded feminine energy. Wounded feminine energy traits can appear from many different reasons: their parents and education, a relationship experience, lack of […]

Dating: The Difference Between Builder and Consumer Types of Men

There’s so much talk in the level-up community about the high value masculine man. Who is he, what he looks like. Everyone seems to have a different definition of him.  I’ve noticed that men generally have 2 types or stages in life. I’m going to label them Builder and Consumer for the sake of this […]