Are Men Intimidated by Successful Women?

In recent years, the rise of women in leadership roles, entrepreneurship, and high-powered careers has been inspiring. More women are achieving remarkable success, breaking down barriers, and thriving in traditionally male-dominated fields. Yet, alongside this progress, a lingering question remains: Are men intimidated by successful women? Many high-achieving women express frustration over their dating experiences, often […]

How High-Achieving Women Can Embody Their Feminine Energy

In today’s world, many women are thriving in their careers or businesses, breaking glass ceilings, and leading with confidence and strength. These high-achieving women are often seen as powerful, ambitious, and unstoppable forces in their niches. However, there is one area of life where they may feel a disconnect—their relationships and personal lives, especially when […]

Characteristics of Light Feminine Energy

Our world is marred by increasing competition and survival of the fittest kind of race. The challenges it endures are because most people, irrespective of their gender, are driven by emotions of fear, anxiety and anger.  In such circumstances, connecting with one’s feminine side, especially the light feminine energy, is not an idea that would […]

6 Things a Healthy Masculine Man Wants From a Woman

First of all, what is a healthy masculine man? Many women tend to think that being masculine equals being very wealthy, having an Instagram lifestyle, and plenty of options when it comes to women. Although of course a masculine man can be all that, in reality a healthy masculine man is a man who has […]

The Real Reason You Are a Woman and an Empath

There are many women who find out they are empaths later on in their lives. What is an empath? It’s basically someone who can feel other people’s emotions. They can easily sense other people’s energy, their mood, what they are feeling and even thinking. They are very attuned to other people. And if a woman […]

Do This Cinnamon Abundance Ritual on the First Day of the Month!

The start of a new month brings with it a sense of renewal and the opportunity to set intentions for the days ahead. And as a feminine woman, abundance is all around you. You just have to open up to claim and receive it! Across cultures and traditions, various rituals are practiced to welcome prosperity, […]

Limiting Beliefs You Need To Let Go Of To Be Fully In Your Feminine Energy

Women who have been living in survival mode and from masculine traits, always hustling, working hard, and ignoring their feminine essence, usually do so because they have many limiting beliefs around how they need to be. And usually those limiting beliefs were acquired at a young age, from parents, caregivers, institutions, etc. They believed they […]

Anxious or Avoidant? Heal Your Attachment System and Feel Secure in Your Feminine Energy

Our attachment system helps explain how early interactions with caregivers influence our patterns of relating to others, impacting everything from friendships and romantic partnerships to how we parent our own children. Many people grow up without knowing this even exists or what are their own attachment system. And it is a big breakthrough when you […]

The Truth About Embodying Your Feminine Energy

I’m just gonna say it – embodying your feminine energy is not always sexy and glamorous. Since starting my feminine awakening and my journey of embodying my feminine energy, I’ve grown A LOT. And I’m not just talking about the shiny, glamorous kind that you see on social media. I’m not talking about the bubble […]