Are you undergoing an uniquely profound transformation and you may be asking yourself – “now what?”

Embodying your feminine energy is an ever evolving process that unfolds moment to moment as you continue to shift energetically, and align more and more with who you truly are at your core.

As you reach a new awareness, your life inevitably will shift and expand also.

Your embodiment of your own feminine energy, calming down and regulate your nervous system and manifest a softer and more aligned life is a journey like no other.

And you don’t have to do this alone! 

Embody Your Feminine Energy

Embody Your Feminine Energy Membership is a safe place to get answers and embody your feminine energy, feeling supported in this journey of feminine awakening and embodiment.

Inside your membership you’ll get the additional support & resources that will help you release what no longer serves you and further integrate and embody your feminine energy.

It’s the place to help you align more and more with the truest most authentic feminine version of yourself. 

When you subscribe, you immediatelly get:

1 – One coaching email per day with inspiration and tips on embodying your feminine energy

Every day of the month you receive an email with tips, advice and inspiration about how to embody your feminine energy and live a softer life.

2 – Access to private videos

As part of your membership, you’ll get access to private videos with the best content about embodying feminine energy, dating and relationships, manifesting abundance and living a joyful and soft life.

3 – Access to the Membership private Facebook group where you can:

Meet other women in their journey of feminine embodiment

Ask questions and get answers!

Discuss many topics around feminine energy

Be in a safe space to vent, share, feeling heard and seen

4 – The eBook ““Embody Your Sensual Feminine Energy”

As soon as your membership starts, you’ll also receive your copy of the eBook “Embody Your Sensual Feminine Energy”.

You’ll also receive free any other future eBooks released by The Feminine Energy.

5. Get answers from Carla, the founder of The Feminine Energy

As part of the membership, you can send emails to Carla with questions about feminine energy, and get answers. One question per week.