Running a Feminine Business: Connection vs Strategy

Women have been given this incredible gift of connecting with their divine feminine energy and using that powerful energy to navigate their way through life. This connection makes everything easier…

How To Create a Positive Relationship With Your Body

Society’s definition of what’s desirable or beautiful is ever-changing and very exclusive. Sadly, so many women try conforming to society’s definition of “beauty,” and they fail miserably at it. This…

Relaxing 10 Step at Home Spa Treatment

A better life starts with self-love, and a major part of self-love is pampering yourself once in a while, relaxing in your soft feminine energy. It’s important to take care…

5 Things to Give Up to Become More Feminine

It’s not an easy job being a female in a society that expects so much from an individual. Taking care of your family and maintaining a social life while trying…

7 Daily Habits To Become More Feminine

Do you want to connect with your feminine side on a deeper level? And how about being your elegant best and letting your impressive feminine aura captivate others? Sounds more…

Why the Feminine Doesn’t Need to Know (3 Reasons)

The society we live in insiste on using intellect and logic in every aspect of one’s existence. It appreciates rational and analytical skills and severely downplays the importance of emotions…