Want to embody your feminine energy on a daily basis?
You probably already heard about the benefits of positive self-talk and saying affirmations.
So here we tell you 50 feminine energy affirmations for you to repeat every day and connect to your feminine essence.
You can either silently repeat it to yourself like a mantra or say it aloud in front of the mirror. There is no right or wrong way, so you can get as creative as you want.
1. I am grounded in my feminine energy and my peace is my priority.
2. I honour who I had to be in my past, I welcome who I want to be now.
2. I say yes and no easily with no explanations or excuses.
3. I feel sensual, awaken, alive, passionate and joyful when I am in my feminine energy.
4. I express my femininity in many beatiful ways every single day.
5. I am worthy of living my best life just for existing and for desiring so.
6. Embodying my feminine energy is the healing I need.
7. I let go of hard masculine ways of living and embrace soft feminine joy.
8. I trust the masculine energy of the Universe is here to support and protect me at all times.
9. My feminine intuition is the compass of my life.
10. I express my feelings and desires openly because I am worthy of them all.
11. I listen to my body and I rest and recharge when I need.
12. I ask for help from others that I trust and I am open to receive their help.
13. I am worthy of having a masculine partner who adores me and treats me as his dream woman.
14. I am my own version of feminine energy and I am unique.
15. My feminine energy is personal and the basis of my relationship with myself.
16. I force nothing to happen, I just allow everything to come to me effortlessly.
17. I only work and create from divine inspiration and creativity.
18. I have high standards and I accept nothing but the best for me.
19. Self love and self worth are key in my life.
20. I deserve to live a beautiful, soft and joyful life.
21. Abundance is my birth right.
22. I am always feminine whatever I am wearing or doing.
23. My feminine energy has always been within me and I am connecting with it.
24. My well-being is the priority in my life.
25. I take good care of myself, physically, emotionally and spiritualy.
26. I accept what is not for me and I release it, opening space for what is aligned.
27. I release survival mode and struggle, and I step into softness, joy and fully living.
28. My needs are valid and important, and I only relate to people who treat them as such.
29. I don’t need to push or force anything to happen, I surrender and trust that I attract everything I desire effortlessly.
30. I remove the masculine armour and I reveal my femininity to the world.
31. I listen to, trust and I follow my intuition at all times.
32. I honour all my emotions and I allow myself to feel them all.
33. I express my emotions and desires into the world easily and openly.
34. I trust the Universe always brings me good things and people when I love myself.
35. I am free to choose what I want and live life on my own terms.
36. I feel safe within and I know I am always taken care of by the Universe.
37. My feminine energy is soft, kind, nurturing and joyful.
38. I have strong boundaries and I easily say no unapologetically to what doesn’t serve me.
39. I am detached and unbothered, if something external is not for me I remove myself and do not engage in drama.
40. My feminine radiance is a powerful magnet that attracts all I desire and is good for me.
41. I only do work from inspired action and from my creativity and joy.
42. I am beautiful the way I am.
43. When I am resting I know I am still being provided for.
44. I express my femininity every day in many beautiful ways.
45. I embrace and connect with my sensuality.
46. My chakras are open and balanced in divine harmony.
47. I embrace both my light and my dark feminine energy.
48. I am capable of creating the beautiful life I deserve to live, with ease and joy.
49. I level up and so I want better for me, my life and my loved ones.
50. I embody goddess energy.
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