Discussion Forum Rules

No Harassment Of Other Forum Users.
This should go without saying, but no harassing, bigoted, mean-spirited, crude, or otherwise messed-up (inappropriate) conduct is allowed on the The Feminine Energy forum. Infractions of this rule will result in a ban.

We cannot stress this strongly enough. We will delete outbound links placed in posts, signatures, or user profiles and may block or ban offenders.

No Branded Usernames.
We love creative usernames, but your name can’t be a branded service or product — unless you are a sentient bottle of an amazing perfume that magically came alive. If that’s the case, please let us know. We have so many questions! (Accounts using branded usernames are subject to removal.)

Using Multiple User Accounts For Negative Reasons
We do not allow members to use multiple usernames in order to either make their points seem more valid, gang up on other members, to have multiple personalities, or any other negative reason. We do monitor the posts, and ban those who abuse this site.

Copyright Infringement
It is illegal and forbidden to post content that you copied from another source if it was not written or created by you, or you do not have permission from the author.

Anyone found attempting to solicit ANYTHING will be immediately banned.

All members are FORBIDDEN from any sort of self-promotion, advertising of products or services, and driving traffic away from our site by means of linking to external sites (even if related to women’s health.) Anyone who does this will be immediately banned with no warnings!

Practice GOOD Private Message Etiquette.
Do NOT send Private Messages to other commenters unless they’ve specifically indicated that they welcome this. The only exception to this rule is if you have a question for a forum moderator — they can be contacted via private message whenever needed.