What is Human Design and How it Influences Your Feminine Energy?

Human Design is an incredibly useful system that sheds light on your energetic makeup and teaches you how to navigate through life more effortlessly by aligning with your energy.  But most importantly, knowing your human design can also help you identify if it is more beneficial for you to operate from your feminine energy or […]

Stages of the Menstrual Cycle and How it Impacts Your Feminine Energy

The menstrual cycle is a rather complex and fascinating biological process involving changes in hormone levels, the release of eggs and the breakdown of the uterine lining.  Interestingly, the menstrual cycle also creates changes in your feminine energy. So, to best utilize and nurture her feminine essence, a woman must be aware of the stages […]

How To Create a Positive Relationship With Your Body

Society’s definition of what’s desirable or beautiful is ever-changing and very exclusive. Sadly, so many women try conforming to society’s definition of “beauty,” and they fail miserably at it. This takes a huge toll on their physical and psychological well-being in the long run.  What else do you expect? The fashion and beauty industry standards […]

Why a Boss Babe Stage is Often Needed Before Feminine Energy Embodiment

There are many coaches who teach feminine energy who like to shame or guilt women who are embodying masculine traits. And very often women embody those masculine traits not because they want to, but for survival reasons. They have to provide for themselves and their children (sometimes even for extended family), they have to take […]

How Your Relationships Change When You Embody Your Feminine Energy

Embodying your feminine energy is not about “learning to become feminine”, is actually about unlearning the ways you don’t allow your feminine energy to flow. Feminine energy magic makes things easy… it can almost feel too easy, too lucky, too simple! Feminine energy is the path of least resistance, is receiving *more* by doing *less*. […]

5 Masculine Behaviors That Classy Feminine MUST Avoid!

Whether we accept it or not, all women living in today’s time would be unconsciously embodying some undesirable masculine traits.  There is nothing wrong with having the right balance of some contrasting traits but sometimes these masculine behaviors keep us from becoming more deeply connected with our feminine essence.  So, in this article we are […]