Feminine Energy First Date

5 Ways To Tap Into Feminine Energy Before the First Date

Your feminine energy is incredibly powerful, and it impacts every aspect of your life, especially your love life. This is because unless you don’t connect and embrace your divine self, you cannot be satisfied in a relationship with someone else. The most important relationship is the one you share with yourself, and embracing your feminine […]

Masculine vs Feminine Energy

We live in a world of duality: black and white, day and night, left and right, masculine and feminine. All exemples of duality are of energies that although very different, they complement each other. And masculine/feminine is no different. Many people however have difficulty understanding what is exactly masculine and feminine energy. More specifically, which […]

Online Dating: How To Stay in Your Feminine Energy When Challenged

Stepping into their feminine energy is quite easy for many women. What they struggle with though is with staying in that feminine energy when challenged. And by challenged I mean situations and people who through their actions and words can make you step into your masculine energy without you wanting to do so, like happens […]

Dating: The Difference Between Builder and Consumer Types of Men

There’s so much talk in the level-up community about the high value masculine man. Who is he, what he looks like. Everyone seems to have a different definition of him.  I’ve noticed that men generally have 2 types or stages in life. I’m going to label them Builder and Consumer for the sake of this […]

How a Feminine Woman Can Use Masculine Energy To Find the Right Man

A lot is being talked about nowadays about polarity in a relationship, and a feminine woman being submissive to a masculine man’s lead. First of all, it is important to notice that being “submissive” and letting a man lead and take decisions is NOT about controlling and abuse. In fact, it is the opposite. A […]