The Law of Attraction exists whether you are aware of it or not, and is always at work. You attract not what you want, but what you give attention and energy to, what you believe, and, most important, who you are. You are manifesting all the time, all day, everyday. Nothing of what happens to […]
How To Open Your Heart So More Love Can Get In
The most potent, naturally healing vibration in this universe is that of love. Love is the source of all things fine and beautiful in life and it is an energy that can be used to create miracles in your otherwise ordinary life. But going through complicated life situations, most of us build strong barriers around […]
20 Ways For a Feminine Woman to Romanticize Her Life
Romanticizing your life is about infusing everyday moments with love and beauty, turning everything into an gorgeous experience. And that is a great way to be in your feminine energy in a mindful and present way, enjoying your days whilst letting the magic unfold! Here are some ways to add a touch of romance to your […]
Want to Be in Your Feminine Energy? Romanticize Your Every Day Life!
In a world filled with hustle and bustle, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget to nurture our romantic spirits. Yet, there is immense beauty and joy to be found in embracing romance and infusing magic into our everyday lives. In this article, we explore how feminine women can cultivate […]
How To Cultivate Your Feminine Playfulness
In today’s fast-paced world, where productivity and efficiency often take precedence, embracing feminine playfulness can feel like a breath of fresh air. Playfulness is not only a source of joy and light-heartedness but also a powerful expression of feminine energy that can enhance relationships, boost creativity, and foster emotional well-being. When a woman is living […]
How Does Feminine Energy Attracts a Masculine Man?
Feminine energy has a powerful magnetic pull that can naturally attracts a masculine man. Here are some ways feminine energy can draw a man towards you: Authenticity: Being authentic and true to yourself is attractive to others, including men. When you embrace your genuine self and allow your true essence to shine through, you naturally […]
10 Ways to Awaken Divine Feminine Energy
Divine feminine energy is a powerful energetic aspect of human existence that is present within all of us to some degree, regardless of the gender we align with. Much like the divine masculine energy, the divine feminine too is an integral part of your vibrational mix and only when these two opposing (yet complimenting) energies […]
How to Feel Good Every Day in Your Feminine Energy
Feminine energy is all about enjoying the present moment and feeling good every day. Is about being mindful and present in your body and your senses, enjoying life every single day. Is not about hustling, working hard, exhausting yourself, or accepting things and people that don’t resonate with your soul. Is about being selective in […]
10 Signs of a Wounded Feminine Woman on Social Media
For many women social media can sometimes trigger them and reveal signs of deeper emotional wounds and unhealed trauma. Those triggers and the reactions to them are then played on social media channels in many different ways. Social media is a great tool for communication, but it can also serve as a mirror reflecting the […]
How to Enjoy Life in The Present Moment
Enjoying the present moment is the essence of feminine energy. It involves being fully engaged and immersed in the here and now, without dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. It also means that everything you do on a daily basis should be done in a mindful way and paying full attention to […]