One of the best things you can do to live an aligned life from your feminine energy is to know what your Human Design is.

I am a Generator, and Generators are hard workers. We can do a LOT—and get exhausted too.
When I was in survival mode and living from masculine traits, I used to hustle all the time. Always doing. Because I was operating from my mind and believed that’s what I needed to do in order to survive.
The only things I got in return were exhaustion, frustration, resistance, being broke, and the wrong people trying to take advantage of my hustle.
So, knowing my Human Design was KEY to my feminine embodiment and is key to yours too.
I found out that Generators are not supposed to “make it happen” by hustling non-stop.
Generators should follow what brings them joy and respond to opportunities that excite them instead of forcing things to happen and doing work they don’t enjoy.
What a game changer! That realization gave me permission to relax.
To know that when I slow down, enjoy life, and create from pleasure, I am in abundance.
Sometimes, I need a reminder of this because I can easily slip back into forcing things to happen if I am not careful.
For example, a couple of months ago, I had a business coach telling me about all these strategies I “needed” to implement for The Feminine Energy—like setting up hundreds of email sequences to push sales.
I connected to my sacral inner voice, and it was a clear NO. But I still tried it, and all sorts of resistance came up. I even had a subscriber ask me why I was suddenly sending so many emails and had many people unsubscribing. I stopped immediately.
That was confirmation that I wasn’t aligned and was slipping back into hustle mode—doing things I didn’t want to do just because my mind believed I needed to in order to “be successful.”
I went back to what feels aligned: delivering content that is feminine, soft, and empowers women to step into their feminine energy.
I have a wonderful book and programs that help with this, and I promote them often on my social media and through emails—but I don’t push them with email sequences that feel unnatural or misaligned.
I trust that my book and programs will naturally resonate with the right people.
After all, my content is about empowering women to make the best decisions for themselves—not pushing them to buy my stuff just so I can make sales and pay a business coach!
Living according to my Generator Human Design feels liberating.
As a Libra, I am an Air sign—very much in my mind—so I had to learn how to use that as a tool to support myself and my business, rather than letting it run the show.
I also had to apply this in relationships. I used to be so much in my head, and that energy repelled masculine men.
I had to learn to relax, be in my body, and let a man lead.
I learned that generators in Human Design manifest what they want by responding, rather than forcing or initiating. Their strategy is to wait for life to bring them opportunities and then respond with their Sacral energy (a gut feeling of excitement or resistance).
In the case of sending those emails to drive sales, my sacral response was resistance but I did it anyway so it basically backfired.
Now I only respond to things (internal or external) that truly make me excited and are a huge immediate YES!
Because generators don’t need to chase or “make things happen”—instead, they attract what is aligned by focusing on what excites them.
Generators have a powerful gut feeling (Sacral authority) that tells them whether something is right for them.
If it’s a YES, they feel excitement, an urge to move forward, or a burst of energy.
If it’s a NO, they feel resistance, frustration, or even exhaustion.
But of course in order to do this, I have to be connected to how I feel, to my feminine intuition and gut feeling, and trust it.
Generators are designed to be in flow. When something feels aligned, doors open naturally, and energy flows easily.
If something feels like a constant struggle, it’s usually a sign it’s not meant for them.
I am still learning to trust this completely because I am not that good in being patient. The biggest challenge for generators is trusting the process instead of forcing outcomes.
Sometimes, things take time, but when they honor themselves the right opportunities will come.
Generators thrive when they do what they love.The more I engage in activities that bring me joy, the more magnetic I become, attracting even better opportunities.
Once my Sacral says YES, I go all in! Generators are designed to work hard on what excites them, and their energy is powerful when aligned.
For example in my business The Feminine Energy, instead of forcing email sequences or marketing strategies that feel “off,” I prefer to create content that genuinely inspires me—because that’s what attracts the right people, and that shows with my Facebook group having attracted over 48k members and growing!
But, the thing is, when something excites me it doesn’t feel like working hard. It recharges me instead of draining me.
And it just feels soooooo good!
So liberating, peaceful, and calm. The chaotic energy of hustling, doing things that don’t excite me just because “I have to do them”, and overthinking is gone.
And it just feels right. I feel safe, trusting, and truly able to enjoy life.
No longer blocking my blessings.
And is amazing the amount of opportunities that appear when I just follow my joy and lean back, co-creating with the Universe.
Do you know what your Human Design is? Let me know in the comments!
And if you wish to know, click here.