30 Incredible Ways to Instantly Feel Feminine

If you struggle to get out of a masculine energy of being in your mind and doing things and step into a more feminine energy, especially when you are tired, this article is for you.

There are a few amazing things you can do that will instantly calm your nervous system, help you get out of your mind and into your body, shift your energy and embody your feminine energy.

Take a look at these 30 tricks:

1. Go outside for a walk. If possible, do this walk around nature.

2. Say feminine affirmations, like these ones:

3. Have a cup of herbal tea.

4. Check on Pinterest or Instagram for inspirational feminine quotes.

5. Take a bubble bath with Epsom salt.

6. Play with your cat or dog.

7. Meet your sisterhood for a coffee, dessert and banter

8. Dance or sing your favorite music.

9. Go on Youtube and watch silly videos that make you laugh. Like that hamster dancing video!

10. Do a silly Tiktok dance video, alone or with your kids. You don’t have to post it!

11. Do a yoga class.

12. Read an inspirational book about feminine energy.

13. Do some painting or a coloring book.

14. Get some vitamin D, sit outside for a few minutes and soak up the sun

15. Take a 20 minute energy nap.

16. Go outside and do some gardening.

17. Watch a video or a podcast about embodying feminine energy: follow our Youtube channel.

18. Go try and buy some new sensual lingerie

19. Put on your signature perfume.

20. Do some journaling and connect with how you feel

21. Meditate. Get out of your mind and into your body.

22. Try these Mudra techniques, using your hands and connect with your yoni.

23. Hug someone you love: your spouse, children or even your pet. It releases oxytocin and makes you connect with how you feel.

24. Go for a manicure or a pedicure.

25. Go to a spa for a massage and some sauna time.

26. Listen to your body and give it what it needs: more movement, more rest, more sleep.

27. Eat a delicious, colorful and nutritive meal

28. Go out and buy some fresh flowers to your home

29. Talk to someone you trust about how you feel

30. Do a mini at home pampering: exfoliate and do a skincare mask.

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Post Author: Carla