Subliminal Video For Feeling Safe

Subliminals are powerful tools to change your subconscious mind.

For a lot of women, the reason why they cannot step fully into their feminine energy and living a calm and soft life is because they don’t feel safe in their bodies.

This subliminal video from “30 Minute Mindset” is for you to listen whilst sleeping or even during the day at a time of relaxation.

Feel calm, grounded, safe and secure with uplifting subliminal affirmations and relaxing rain sounds.

SUBLIMINAL AFFIRMATIONS (both “I” and “You” versions are used):

I am a strong, courageous person. I am calm and relaxed. I am centered and grounded. I am tranquil and stress free. I feel safe and secure. I am grounded in the present moment.

I concentrate on what I am doing right now. I concentrate on the present, and what I can do in the here and now. I focus on what I can control and change. I focus on making a positive difference within my sphere of influence. I easily let go of worries and fears.

I am so calm and relaxed right now. I concentrate on improving myself and my surroundings. I visualize the best possible outcome for myself and my life. All I have is today. I detach from all worries of tomorrow. I am fully present and alive right now.

I feel my feet firmly on the ground. I am aware of my body and my breathing. I feel perfectly relaxed and calm. I am grateful for what I have today. I am grateful for this moment in time. I can experience joy and contentment right now.

The present moment can be beautiful. I feel fully alive and present. I release all troubling thoughts. I am okay right now. All is well. I breathe deeply and easily. I am at peace with my current situation. I am detached from all outcomes.

I am quiet and peaceful. I am at peace with my life. I am perfectly calm and relaxed. I am safe right now. I am safe and secure. I am at peace.

Ready to step into your feminine energy?

Post Author: Carla

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