Being in your feminine energy is all about living life with softness, gentleness and letting things flow.
This is easy to do when life is easy, things are flowing and all is well. But we all know life is not perfect and sometimes throws a curve ball at us, or some kind of challenge.
Many women tend to think that when they step into their feminine energy that life is perfect, all rainbows and sunshine all the time. But that’s not the truth.
The difference between being in your masculine energy of working hard and hustling and being in your feminine energy of softness is in how you react when life is not perfect.
Yes it is true that when you live aligned with your true nature and your feminine essence, instead of forcing yourself to step into masculine energy and do more and achieve more, your life will be more aligned and softer with less challenges.
But, you’ll still have some challenges sometimes, especially in your journey of releasing stuck energy, old patterns and templates, and start embodying your feminine energy fully.
So, the way you choose to react to those challenges is what will make you stay soft when life is hard.
Because when you are in a masculine energy of doing, hustling and achieving, your default mode when facing challenges is to imemdiately fix the problem, find the solution, do more, achieve more.
And sometimes you start shooting everywhere, making the wrong decisions, or doing too much and seeing no results because you create so much resistance in your life that you stop the flow.
Then you get anxious, depressed, worried, your nervous system completely activated, with too much cortisol in your body and just feeling desperate and exhausted.
When you are in this journey of embodying your feminine energy and stepping into your feminine power after years of living in survival mode from masculine traits, life throws you some opportunities to do different. To choose different.
Because is how you choose to react to those challenges that created the breakthrough you so much want.
Many women tend to think that feminine power is that masculine energy of being in charge and “go to war” working hard and doing more. But, no.
Feminine power is all about your internal world. Is about becoming centered in your inner balance, calm and soft and trusting that everything is always happening for your highest good.
Is not about looking like an anxious rabbit running everywhere, but about becoming the butterfly that flies in trust and softness.
So how do you stay soft when life is hard?
By making the conscious decision to stay soft.
In my experience, life always presents us with two paths.
We can choose the hustle trap—pouring all our energy into pushing forward, striving to fix external problems, and wearing ourselves thin in the process.
Or we can embrace softness when life feels hard.
We can practice the nurturing art of surrender, turning inward, pausing to reflect on the challenging situation before us, and uncovering the lesson or gift it holds. This allows us to reconnect with the natural flow of life.
Over time, I’ve discovered that the more I cultivate the art of feminine embodiment, the more I’m drawn to this second path.
Having spent much of my life choosing the first, I now know there’s nothing more fulfilling than living in alignment with the ease and grace of the feminine way.
From my personal experience, I’ve discovered 4 transformative steps that allow us to move through life’s challenges while staying connected to our softness, ease, and natural flow.
These steps work from the inside out, following the intuitive map of our inner world:
Step 1: Soften and Surrender in Your Body
When faced with difficult moments, begin by slowing down and consciously softening into your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic presence.
Here’s how I practice this:
- If I’m standing, I lean against a supportive structure, sit down, or even lie down if I’m at home.
- I loosen my jaw, shoulders, arms, and legs, allowing my whole body to relax gradually.
- Next, I focus on my breath, surrendering to the present moment and observing the sensations within my body.
I seek out a small thread of pleasure—a feel-good sensation that might be as subtle as warmth in my hands or the rhythm of my breath. Even in moments of deep pain, this tiny thread can anchor me.
As I sink into this sensation, I feel supported and cared for. It’s a surprising yet deeply grounding realization: pleasure and pain can coexist.
By staying connected to my body and heart, I can fully surrender to the moment and open myself to the lessons it holds.
You’ll feel your nervous system calming down.
Step 2: Express and Liberate the Hardness
Hard moments often come with a sense of heaviness or constriction—frozen energy that manifests physically, mentally, emotionally, or energetically.
- It might feel like a knot in your stomach, an overload of negative thoughts, a wave of hopelessness, or an energetic pull that leaves you depleted.
- Society often teaches us to ignore these feelings and push through, but this approach can leave us burned out and unfulfilled.
Instead, after softening in your body, allow yourself to express and release these constrictions.
Movement like dancing or going for a walk around nature, or journaling are powerful ways to liberate this stuck energy.
Each time you free a thread of frozen energy, you’ll uncover valuable insights about yourself and your life. These moments of embodied liberation bring clarity and depth to your journey.
Step 3: Self-Source Your Next Step
Once you’ve softened and liberated the tension, you’ll find it easier to connect with your heart and intuition: your true sources of feminine power.
This inner alignment allows you to feel the flow of life moving through you. With a calm mind and open heart, you can self-source your next step, guided by the wisdom within.
Often, these moments of connection reveal profound insights—gifts that shape how you navigate future challenges with more grace and confidence.
Step 4: Trust in Yourself and the Universe
When you implement the 3 steps above, you’ll learn to wait until you feel guided to take action, instead of taking action impulsively.
You’ll also remove the resistance, let life to flow naturally and allow solutions to come to you, because you become a magnet to it.
And very often things turn out even better than what you expected, simply because you trusted and allowed things to happen for you, instead of to you.
This trust in yourself and the Universe is the KEY to stay soft when life is hard.
If you have a hard time trusting, remember all the times in your past when you faced challenges and how sometimes, even magically, a solution appeared.
Maybe it was an idea, a new person, an opportunity, etc. Things always worked out even if at the time they seemed chaotic. That’s because you are always supported and things are always happening for your highest good.
So, trust it and have faith that this time is no different.
The more you trust and allow life to flow staying in your soft feminine energy , the faster and easier things will get.
Remember that we humans are programmed for two things: to avoid pain and to seek pleasure.
When you choose to be in masculine energy of hustling and desperately trying to fix problems, you are trying to avoid pain. The focus is in the pain, so you attract more of it and you get stuck.
But if you stay in your soft energy of trusting, you are seeking pleasure. The focus is on pleasure and joy. Your actions will be aligned with that, so you’ll attract it.
Remember, what you resist, persist. But what you allow, flows.
Feminine Ease is a Choice
Just like hustle is a choice, so is living with feminine ease. The beauty of this softened way of life is that:
- Trust replaces hard work.
- Ease transforms your actions into sources of pleasure.
- Joy and fulfillment can be found even in life’s simplest moments.
This approach applies to every area of life: dating, leadership, relationships, and beyond.
No matter what your external circumstances look like, this ease is always within reach. The more you practice tuning into your natural softness and flow, the more you’ll magnetize these qualities into your outer world.
You deserve a life filled with ease, softness, and joy. It’s already inside you, waiting to flow.
Want to fully step into your sensual and soft feminine energy?
Click here to get your book “Embody Your Sensual Feminine Energy”