Are you fed up of meeting and dating men who have the 50/50 mindset, are users, abusers, just want to have fun with you, or are looking for a hardworking woman to cater to them?
You want to meet a gentleman in his healthy masculine who lets you stay in your soft feminine energy, having amazing dates and creating a stable relationship?
Then this Guide is for YOU!
You are done with men who do not honour your feminine energy and desire a man who is generous, kind, who adores you and wants to give you the world.
A man who is in his healthy masculine, who is a gentleman, leads from his heart, plans, makes decisions and always cares for your needs, and also wants a feminine woman by his side open to receive from him.
But, dating can be challenging and triggering to many women, being online or offline, with so many men who are not this gentleman type. Many are in fact in their wounded masculine.
But there is a way to make it easier: by dating as an empowered feminine woman.
A feminine woman has strong standards and boundaries and knows what she wants.
She doesn’t entertain men who don’t value her or treat her properly.
She only gives her attention and energy to men who are up to her standards and treat her as their dream woman.
She basically is in her feminine energy and she comes from self-love, choosing the best man who consistently shows her he deserves to be in her life.
In this Guide I tell you exactly how to date from your empowered feminine energy to repel the wrong men and find your dream man and the committed relationship you desire.
How to find your self-love, set standards, how to vet men properly and how to be in your feminine energy whilst dating.
So you find your masculine dream man and partner who adores you, and have the loving relationship you deserve.
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