Calm Down Your Nervous System – 2 Week Course

Women who have been living in survival mode have their nervous system constantly triggered and activated and find it difficult to fully embody their feminine energy.

They hustle, work hard, always on doing mode, always worried, getting things done, always putting others first.

Very often this comes from trauma stored in their bodies from the way they were raised or traumatic experiences in their lives.

They try to embody their feminine energy and live a calm and soft life, but once something trigger them they go into freeze, fight or flight mode.

For example, if you have trauma in regards to money because of past traumatic experiences, doesn’t matter how much money you have in your bank account, you’ll always feel triggered when spending money. And you’ll always end up manifesting lack of money.

If you have trauma in regards to past relationships, if someone does or says something that triggers your subconscious mind you’ll always feel triggered, even if that person now wasn’t even doing anything to harm you.

And even when you are feeling joyful and happy, there is always that seed in the back of your mind, reminding you this happiness is just temporary and doom could be around the corner.

That is why you live anxious, rigid, exhausted, and too much in masculine energy and in your mind. Many women even think they must be doing something wrong in embodying their feminine energy.

You are not doing anything wrong.

Although in a conscious way you know you are safe and that you don’t need to constantly hustle or chase, your subsconscious mind is running the show. The one who has trauma stored.

So you can take a relaxing bubble bath, go for a walk at the beach, or drink tea in a hammock in your garden and feel so relaxed in your body and feminine energy, but as soon as something or someone triggers your subconscious mind, you are in fight or flight mode again and feeling unsafe, even with lots of anxiety.

Living like this limits you and compromises your well being.

Feminine energy is all about feeling safe in your body, having a calm nervous system and becoming a magnet attracting everything to you. No chasing, no hustling, but just enjoying life to the fullest.

So until you learn how to regulate your nervous system and feel safe, you’ll find it very hard to live a calm and soft feminine life.

The good part? You can totally rewire your subconscious mind to be safe. Here, today. When you decide so.

This 2 Week Course Calm Down Your Nervous System was created to give you the techniques and tools for you to learn how to regulate and calm down your nervous system and start living the calm life you deserve.

How does it work?

Every day for 2 weeks you’ll receive an email in your inbox with techniques and tools for you to learn to regulate your nervous system.

These techniques and tools operate at the conscious and the subsconscious level, and are created so when you do them you start feeling safe in your body and your nervous system can regulate and calm down:

  • Understanding your nervous system
  • How to turn on the calming part of your nervous system (the parasympathetic response)
  • Easy activities to turn on calm
  • Essential skills for managing stress, anxiety, PTSD, and panic attacks
  • Breath practices to turn on your parasympathetic nervous system
  • Rewiring your subconscious mind for safety

Learning to calm down your nervous system can possibly be the most important thing you do in your life.

So not only you are able to let your feminine essence shine, but you’ll also be able to fully enjoy your life without any seeds of worry.

You’ll finally heal and are able to live the amazing life you deserve.

* This course is not a substitute for therapy or medical advice. If you have severe PTSD or anxiety please consult a doctor.